The Goal: $200,000.00
To Date: $64,900.00
The Challenge: To raise the necessary money to equip HVGB SPCA with a new facility to house an ever increasing population of stray, abused, neglected & abandoned animals in Labrador Canada.
Who Can Help: Anyone Anywhere this is a GLOBAL CHALLENGE!
Incentive: The HVGB SPCA for a Donation of $100,000.00 is offering the contributor the opportunity to have the NEW SPCA in Labrador named after said person or Corporation.
What a fabulous way to let the Global Animal Community know you made a difference to the lives of animals depending on the humanity of others just to survive & be given a second chance for a better life!
For any monetary donation no matter how great or small you will receive a personal Thank You from me on Twitter @bowden2you
My Perspective: In my life I never imagined the desperate state of the Animals which I have seen in Labrador Canada. If it were not for the selfless volunteers at the Happy Valley Goose Bay SPCA in Labrador the population of stray, abused, abandoned & neglected animals would be even more of an overwhelming concern than it is today in 2012.
Having adopted three beautiful rescue pups over the past three years & offering the little financial & social media help that I do I have never been more inspired or motivated to help anyone or any animal organization.
Who Is The HVGB SPCA? Happy Valley Goose Bay SPCA is a non-profit animal care facility completely run by volunteers.
We service ALL of Labrador and offer the following:
We operate a shelter for animals that are lost, abandoned or given up for adoption
We investigate cases of animal abuse or neglect and all complaint calls received by the shelter
We deliver notices to owners who allow their pets to remain outside in extreme weather conditions (hot & cold)
We find suitable and loving homes for unwanted animals
We issue pet I.D. tags and micro chipping for all animals adopted from shelter
We keep computerized records of all adoptions, surrender of animals, etc.
We also accept lost and found animals and make every attempt to re-unite these animals with their owners
The organization is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and Executive, with the assistance of supporters & volunteers.
The Happy Valley - Goose Bay SPCA is funded through public donations and the proceeds from fundraising events. Costs are substantial, and your help is very much appreciated.
Where is Labrador? A Northern community, Labrador (Highlited in Red) is the furthest Northern territory in Atlantic Canada. Spanning 294, 330 square Kilometers. With a population of just under 30,000 people (comparable to the town of Bedford NS) the funding & resources to support an SPCA are just not extensive enough to service the demands of an increasing animal population. Funding from Government is minimal offering the ONLY SPCA servicing all of Labrador $10,000.00 yearly. If you have one animal under your care you know that for any organization saving hundreds of stray, abused, neglected & abandoned animals this is no where near the funding required for even basic care such as food.
The Current HVGB SPCA:
An SPCA initially constructed out of used building materials Happy Valley Goose Bay SPCA is in desperate need of a new Building. Having very little space for the daily intake of pups, cats & dogs they rely on the Fostering community in Labrador. With a population of just under 30,000 people coverring a vast territory multiple animals are fostered by caring homes at any given time to help as many animals as />
Northern communities such as Labrador are frigid & can push past -40 degree temperatures during the Winter months. This makes for an even more desperate situation trying to find enough Foster homes to place animals especially those suffering injury who require medical care. The HVGB SPCA has provided care for an incredible amount of animals, some with frostbite, others with severe malnutritin, those suffering traumatic physical abuse & all without the daily access to any veterinarian care.
Should you choose to Help please find the methods of donation located within this link:
Thank You for your commitment to help raise Awareness & Funding for a Volunteer Organization that really couldn't appreciate it more!
L.A. Bowden
Tuesday, January 8th-2013