For weeks I have been researching this particular individual on Facebook, he is persistent, relentless, vulgar & a suspected animal broker.
The posts below contain images, prices, buyers & supporters of what is undoubtedly a business that has yet to be held accountable by the Agencies with the power to cease his activity in Montreal, Canada.
The animals listed are mainly from this past weekend with a few posts from April 2013
All of these posts are PUBLIC, with 4 Facebook accounts he uses at different intervals due to people reporting his activity he has not been investigated as of yet. I hope that will change very soon as I am determined to do what is right for the Animals involved in his less than ethical business transactions.
Please SHARE this, if people refuse to take a stand for those that can not stand for themselves than these animal brokering situations continue to exist!
I had received a private message on Facebook from Rian Hicks in regards to my damnation of his brokering and tried to encourage him to post the names of the breeders, veterinarians as well as their contact information, he immediately messaged back spewing profanity. Anyone that questions his activity is publically called out and demeaned in the most vulgar of ways.
Here are a few of said posts:

So due to the public nature of his ignorance, his vulgarity and what I consider non ethical animal brokering I feel it a responsibility to bring this to the publics attention.
It is not Slander, Libel or Defamation of character to use this mans posts against him, they are his words, his pictures, his buyers. Guilt by association is a tragic way to be viewed in public but also necessary, if these people wouldn't buy animals they wouldn't be bred, sought or shipped!
It is appalling to me that he eludes responsibility, that animals in shelters & rescues are dying everyday waiting for loving homes while these business dealings continue to happen.
This has to end!
About Rian Hicks:
Works at Gander SPCA ( IMPORTANT! This is man does NOT work at Gander SPCA-He is mocking the organization & Impersonating them)
Lives in Montreal, Quebec
From Bonavista, Newfoundland and Labrador
Rian Hicks
400 for dobermens

Rian Hicks
buy today for just 200
Sherry Short Green WHAT KIND IS IT??
Yesterday at 1:04pm
Rian Hicks bicbichon and havanesshon and
Yesterday at 1:14pm
Rian Hicks bichon mixx
Yesterday at 1:15pm
Marilyn Short how much is the shipping?
Yesterday at 1:40pm
Rian Hicks buy today ,.just 100 shipping
Yesterday at 1:43pm

Rian Hicks
250 today , be quick they will go fast at this price, almost giving them away
2 people like this.
Kasie Joline Starkes Kinda puppy is this
Yesterday at 1:22pm via mobile
Dylan Coady Kind of dog is it?
Yesterday at 1:32pm via mobile
Rian Hicks a boston terrier
Yesterday at 1:42pm
Cody Clements how many u got left
22 hours ago via mobile
Cody Clements ??
22 hours ago via mobile
Rian Hicks just 3 now , selling like candy at this price, in nfld there 1000, and not nice like this
21 hours ago
Cody Clements if I wanted 1 can I get it shipped to my door ?
21 hours ago via mobile
Rian Hicks where are ya.
21 hours ago
Cody Clements Bonavista
21 hours ago via mobile
Rian Hicks hell yeah , i can have brought to your door for ya
21 hours ago
Rian Hicks who ya parents, i must know them
21 hours ago
Cody Clements alright so how do I pay??
21 hours ago via mobile
Rian Hicks u can pay etransfer or , go see my mom
21 hours ago
Cody Clements Joyce and sterling brown
21 hours ago via mobile
Cody Clements 13-15 red cove road
21 hours ago via mobile
Rian Hicks lol i know them and how ya wanna do it , pay what way , and inbox me if ya like
21 hours ago
Cody Clements K
21 hours ago via mobile

Rian Hicks
anyone looking for a cheap puppy , message me today and i can do cheap, almost giving away , accept all offers, on the puppys , so let me know, everything gotta g,
Dylan Coady likes this.
Tehia Harnum Any female Boston's?
Yesterday at 1:09pm
Rian Hicks yes just the one, buy today i wil do 300 thats shipping and everything and minature, and baby of just 10 weeks,
Yesterday at 1:13pm
Lorilie Rowsell-White What else do u have Rian Hicks
Yesterday at 2:00pm via mobile
Rian Hicks pugs, and many more, what you intertested in
Yesterday at 2:14pm
Lorilie Rowsell-White Do u have any chiwawas or English bulldogs ?? & if so how much ?? Ty
23 hours ago via mobile
Rian Hicks yes 900 byully andchiwaw 400 today after that teh price is back to normal<
23 hours ago
Lorilie Rowsell-White Kk. Thankx
23 hours ago via mobile
Lorilie Rowsell-White Do u have any pics of them?? JW
23 hours ago via mobile
Rian Hicks
2 people like this.
1 share
Janice Elliott Tremblett How cute.
Yesterday at 10:14am

Rian Hicks
With Jean LeDrew Janes.
7 people like this.
1 share
Tammy Bennett- Davis I want one!!!
Saturday at 10:53pm via mobile
Rian Hicks i have just a couple left
Yesterday at 2:48am
Tammy Bennett- Davis I would love love absolutely love to have one. I will be home in NFLD Corner Brook next Sunday. What are you asking for these beauties. The black one looks like my lily. I have been wanting to get another one for lily. I would just need to figure out how the cost to get her back to Ontario. They are absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!
Yesterday at 9:38am via mobile
Rian Hicks i can nsend tom Ontario, and cost just 150 ship ontario
Yesterday at 12:21pm
Tammy Bennett- Davis Really how much is the dog?
Yesterday at 12:27pm via mobile
Rian Hicks buy today i can do 400 for them ,
Yesterday at 12:28pm
Tammy Bennett- Davis I wont be able to today but im going to see what I can do. I will be in corner brook next sunday if you have any left. I will come see them in the mean time im going to work on it.:):):):)
Yesterday at 12:30pm via mobile
Rian Hicks im in morntreal not nfld
Yesterday at 12:33pm
Tammy Bennett- Davis Sorry didnt realize thats great, I will keep in touch and if you still have any in a couple of weeks then we can go from there. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me:)
Yesterday at 12:37pm via mobile
Rian Hicks no problem im a newfie though
Yesterday at 12:38pm
Tammy Bennett- Davis Always great to talk to other newfie's especially when your away from home:)
Yesterday at 12:51pm via mobile
Rian Hicks yeah i could of even came to Ontario to se ya , that wouldent be a problem
Yesterday at 12:52pm
Tammy Bennett- Davis Omg dont say that I will get very excited!!!! I have wanted another shitz shuz( I believe thats how you spell it lol) for a long time. Even though this trip is costing me more than I expected I do get paid just as I come back so PLEASE keep me updated on the status of the puppies you have left I really like the black one as it(she or he) looks like my baby lily.
Yesterday at 12:58pm via mobile · 1

Rian Hicks
With Jean LeDrew Janes.
8 people like this.
Leah Maria Olsen dawwww that is sooo cute
Saturday at 10:41pm

Rian Hicks
With Jean LeDrew Janes.
13 people like this.
Francis Rumbolt love to have a one like this
Saturday at 10:37pm
Mary Newman Really cute what kind of dog is it is it a sitshu
Saturday at 11:03pm via mobile
Lisa Griffin hahahaha.... just too cute
Yesterday at 11:01am

Rian Hicks
maler yorks 1 year old selling today for 350
2 people like this.

Rian Hicks
10 people like this.
Sandra Waye-Sharpe little cutie
Saturday at 8:59pm
Mary Newman Beautiful cat rian
Saturday at 9:25pm via mobile

Rian Hicks
her name Debbie, , anyone want her , giving away
Alison Trask Is that a piggy?!
Saturday at 9:02pm via mobile
Rian Hicks yeah , nain . named aftre someone back home ,
Saturday at 9:03pm
Alison Trask Is she trained and stuff? For outside or inside?
Saturday at 9:05pm via mobile
Rian Hicks outside, shes a big pig thought you dont want that allison, trust me , that why shes being give away
Saturday at 9:06pm
Alison Trask Oh she's not a mini? She looks small! Maybe I don't then lol
Saturday at 9:15pm via mobile
Alison Trask Had Lexi microchipped today! She's such a good dog!
Saturday at 9:16pm via mobile

Rian Hicks
With Kimberly Crocker.
3 people like this.
Kimberly Crocker Oh my good lord they are so so cute!!!
Saturday at 8:31pm via mobile · 1

Rian Hicks
buy today 250 chinchilla
2 people like this.
Jean LeDrew Janes What beautiful kitties u have......wish I could have seen them before I got mine
Saturday at 9:37pm

Rian Hicks
sandra here she is Lucy ,
5 people like this.
Rian Hicks inbox me sandra, got something to ask ya
Saturday at 8:52pm · 1
Mary H Trask beauty
Saturday at 9:14pm
Mary Newman Beautiful dog rian
Saturday at 9:27pm via mobile

Rian Hicks
dobermens , 500 ,

Rian Hicks
nfld dogs 1000 ,
2 people like this.

Rian Hicks
chows 500, never get that anywhere that cheap, un less its a basterd
2 people like this.
Nicole Hicks I'm in love with this dog
Saturday at 9:31pm

Rian Hicks
2 people like this.
Rian Hicks pitt are going for 450s ,
Saturday at 7:49pm
Kayla White Wow good price, send me one lol
Saturday at 7:58pm via mobile

Rian Hicks
boxers white , ready now 600
Kimberly Crocker Oh no Rian why did u have to post this lol
Saturday at 7:59pm via mobile
Rian Hicks they got three new now, this one is not for sale just ones like him, this ones not for sale,
Saturday at 8:00pm
Kimberly Crocker When ya gets some pics post them so I can see you never know a 3rd boxer might not be so bad lol
Saturday at 8:03pm via mobile
Rian Hicks i got pics i post now , i allready post this morning some too
Saturday at 8:05pm
Rian Hicks id even do 400 for you
Saturday at 8:05pm
Rian Hicks since second dog, and for the last time, glad you liked molly too shes a beauty too
Saturday at 8:05pm

Rian Hicks
buy today for just 500

Rian Hicks
2 people like this.
Jean LeDrew Janes What breed is that Riian >.......adorable !!
Saturday at 9:36pm · 1
Rian Hicks this s a pom
Saturday at 9:55pm

Rian Hicks
who is kaitlyn hiicks from bonavista
Dj Butler Snot nose kid from clarenville
Saturday at 1:14pm via mobile · 1
Rian Hicks yeah stupid cunt wont stop, she dont even know me ,
Saturday at 2:20pm
Rian Hicks
Mary H Trask likes this.
1 share
Francis Rumbolt wish l had the money to have one
Saturday at 10:39pm

Rian Hicks
poms 650 today
Mary H Trask likes this.
1 share

Rian Hicks
shit sue, 450
1 share
Jean LeDrew Janes The black one is soooo cute....the brown one is identical to my Malti-Tzu
Saturday at 9:59pm

Rian Hicks
morkys 450
Mary H Trask likes this.

Rian Hicks
rottys , 650 today

Rian Hicks
yorkshires 750 today,

Rian Hicks
ready two weeks, choc pts
Megan Dyke likes this.
1 share

Rian Hicks
500, fully trained, pitt, great with kids and cats, , just 3 months old, , names scarface, hes does all the commands, sit paw, all the good stuff , allready. hetrained and will go to door, leash trained, dont even need a leash,. great dog,

Rian Hicks
im back, on this one,

Rian Hicks
April 26
this account i cant message anyone from here , i can see but cant message anyone , blocked for 30 days becasue of that collen missis, go into boxy imports group or my new page, this one aint good, , so please , IF YOU WANT TO CONTACT ME, GO TO OTHER PAGE,
Rian Hicks
April 24
today and today only tea cup yorks, and toy , male and female 775, pugs 200, adults, cats himilayan. 275 plus shipping,pitt bull 700, poms 700, jennifer ii getting in otmail now in min to check

Rian Hicks
April 24
email me everyone, i cannot message anyone,, i cant message anyone from here
Rian Hicks
April 23
Ashlee-Anne Harris omgggg, love them
April 23 at 4:51pm
SponsoredSee All

Rian Hicks
April 21
7 people like this.
Ashley Reid love love love
April 21 at 8:18pm
Rian Hicks going for chaep, i can do 700
April 22 at 2:23am

Rian Hicks
April 21
2 people like this.
Margaret Rose Murphy lovely little dogs going to get one soon
April 21 at 6:53pm

Rian Hicks
April 20
english bullys reservations now, send depot , and u can pay them out , just 3-4 weeks, old now
3 people like this.
Lorilie Rowsell-White Can u inbox me price and a pix?? Ty
April 20 at 12:06pm via mobile

Rian Hicks
April 20
anyone that owes money for shipping or on animals that is expected in nfld this week , have to have payed by tommorrow,
Bridget Petipas likes this.
MelissaRicky Turtle Where r u getting all there animals
April 20 at 11:16am via mobile
Barbara Kent Bishop beautiful looking litter Rian....Ms. Ivy is taking over the house already...she's is a beauty!
April 20 at 12:24pm

Rian Hicks
April 18
two females going home to robyn and jennifer
Robyn Hearn likes this.
Jennifer Dixon Can't wait so excited
April 18 at 6:41pm via mobile
Sherri Wolfrey Beautiful
April 18 at 7:10pm via mobile
Robyn Hearn Can't wait to have her !
April 18 at 8:53pm via mobile

There is just so much more to this operation than any one person can possibly share. Nearly ALL of these innocent animals have been shipped to Newfoundland & Labrador, a Province shipping Rescue Animals out to Nova Scotia as they try to control animal population in their region.
It is disheartening to say the least that this has been happenning not only for a few days but a few months. How does one man have access to COUNTLESS animals in two days if not from Backyard Breeders or a Mill Facility?
Why numerous Agencies in Montreal & NL Labrador have yet to act is beyond comprehension. Although according to Mr. Rian Hicks he has Lawyers, RCMP, City Police & the Montreal SPCA in his favour, that anyone who complains is a 'joke.'
L.A. Bowden
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