Facts, Personal Opinion & Suggestion to encourage Conversation, Debate & Public Awareness. It's not what you say but how you choose to say it that determines whether you are heard.
not what you say but how you choose to say it that determines whether you are heard

Sunday, January 4, 2015

What Is A Labrador Husky?

For years, as I had adopted a Labrador Husky, my interest in this breed was heightened. I could only ever find one page as to the description of the Labrador Husky which was discouraging to say the least.

This past year, a few others & myself formed a sub-committee to try our best to gather the resources needed to have this breed recognized as a Heritage Animal. Through much digging & hundreds of hours trolling Google I have started to uncover the rich history of the Labrador Husky.

This media app, FlowVella, opens on their site or in a browser. There are 11 pages (much more information to include) of galleries, documentation, videos & articles.

Please feel free to 'Like', comment but most of all share. There are only 65 of these huskies left in existence & if we have any hope of ensuring they do not become extinct we need your help to raise awareness ❤️

I appreciate the time you take to look over this app
