In many ways the dogs of Northern Canada have to be the most resilient breed, they survive on what most rescues would consider,"A will to live" and little else. On their own they forage for food, sustain their own canine community and live in extreme weather conditions. Without the availability of spay and neuter programs these dogs have reached unmanageable numbers leaving them susceptable to dog shoots in order to reduce populations. Without vaccinations disease such as Parvo can run rampid among dog packs, veterinary care is a luxury not a standard in Northern Canadian communities. Many dogs are left to suffer from illness, gun shot wounds and infection leaving Rescues feeling abandoned and helpless to offer hope to the many as they only have enough resources to save the few.
Norway House (Manitoba),Manitoba German Shepherd Rescue, Iqaluit Humane Sciety (Nunavut), Happy Valley Goose Bay SPCA (Labrador) are just a few Rescues in the Northern regions of Canada dealing with overwhelming daily abuse, neglect, stray overpopulation and disease of northern dogs. They do the best they can with the Iittle they have in order to save, rehabilitate and medically treat the animals in their care.

Any given week in the Northern regions of Canada there are upwards of 30 animals in the care of an Animal Rescue. All animals require veterinary care, food, possible surgery for injury, all a huge expense. There are varying degrees of care required on an individual basis, some require very little medical care while others need extensive treatment.

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