Facts, Personal Opinion & Suggestion to encourage Conversation, Debate & Public Awareness. It's not what you say but how you choose to say it that determines whether you are heard.
not what you say but how you choose to say it that determines whether you are heard

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Valid Complaint Or Dog Snobbery? Puppy Project Cancelled In Charlottetown School

One thing that I absolutely do not tolerate is deceit, I loathe it.
If it is brought to my attention that someone is committing an out right act of deceit, I will look into the situation. Clearly, there are some serious questions that need to be answered as to the cancellation of The Prince Street Puppy Project in Charlottetown, Prince Edwrad Island. 

The basis of the cancellation of The Prince Street Puppy Project was on the sole complaint of one Krista MacLeod that her son had taken an asthma attack due to a possible dog allergy. Now, that was stated in an article CBC had reported June 20th-2014: http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/canada/prince-edward-island/school-dog-program-upsets-parent-1.2682153 

This is a screen shot from the CNN Facebook page as to dogs & allergies where Ms. MacLeod posted a comment as to the benefits of dogs outweighing allergies. Also, the direct link is here: http://ireport.cnn.com/topics/1080777

The Prince Street Puppy Project has been cancelled due to this particular complaint so I wanted to see if there was any truth behind Krista MacLeod's supposed issue. It didn't take very long to discover some discrepencies as to her sons possible dog allergy related asthma attack. 

Why is the School Board cancelling a clearly beneficial project for all students for one child?
If Krista MacLeod's son has dog allergies then why does she allow her son to crawl in to dog crates WITH dogs? 
If a child can be surrounded by dogs at home then why has this project been cancelled? The school had made arrangements to not have the dogs involved in this puppy project in her sons classroom so what is really going on here? 

Given the screen shot of a conversation by Ms. MacLeod as to 'mutts' perhaps, since she derives from a CKC breeder family her real issue is the 'mixed breed dogs' involved in the Prince Street Puppy Project? Seems like a very fair question one could ask, does it not? 

Look at the pictures (dated), read the article & if after you have read & observed all & you also have the same suspicions as to intent of complaint? Sign & Share the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/eastern-school-board-we-want-the-prince-street-puppy-program-to-be-reinstated-in-the-school?recruiter=23494736&utm_campaign=signature_receipt&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition

Let Ms. MacLeod know that what she has done is wrong & shameful. Let her know that the children that have been involved with the Prince Street Puppy Project for three years do not deserve to have their dogs taken away. This project has been extremely beneficial & the children think of those dogs as theirs & due to one person their dogs are now lost. 

Insist that the Eastern School Board reinstate the Prince Street Puppy Project in Charlottetown PEI! 
This is an absolutely tragic situation for the kids & 'their' dogs!
Sign the petition 🐾

LA Bowden 


  1. Michell and Caelan LayboltSeptember 12, 2014 at 7:14 AM

    A thank you is not enough that we can even extend to you for this story. We can barely put this into words on how much this will help us get these puppies back in the school! And thank you for high lighting out petition, bringing a larger audience to the cause.

    1. Please use this in your petition. atlanticaward.com/news/393

  2. You have my full support! As a mom of three boys I truly wish that more schools would welcome dogs into their buildings. It is a fabulous way to soothe children & educate them as to animal welfare.

  3. Thank you for pointing out this story... my daughter is a huge fan of these dogs and looks forward to seeing them everyday in class.

  4. Krista MacLeod is nothing but a troublemaker...comments on all the stories with negativity and likes to ruin everything for others...just because she is living a miserable existence does not mean everyone else around her has too!

    1. Agreed she is a horrible person and this dog allergic stuff is complete BS her kids are and have always been with dogs her parents breed have a million dogs and she has dogs . Unreal .

  5. Krista Macleod is always up to making trouble and life misrable for whoever she can .as a former friend this doesn't surprise me . Her children are and always have been around dogs so this is complete BS she is a misrable person .

  6. She has 2 dogs herself... She also kicked up a huge stink about her kids not being allowed to take peanut butter to school (even though a kid from her childs class could die from it). She claimed it was putting her child out and it wasn't affordable to buy peanut free snacks. Pfft... Not a brain in there I don't think.

  7. Its a small island, I hope the public makes her day to day life as miserable as possible. What a crap person.

  8. Does anyone else find it ironic that on her Facebook post showing the kids in the crate is sponsored by Claritin...? Sorry but I LOL'd at that. Sounds like it was an awesome program. No good deed goes unpunished. I hope you get it back. Best of luck
