Facts, Personal Opinion & Suggestion to encourage Conversation, Debate & Public Awareness. It's not what you say but how you choose to say it that determines whether you are heard.
not what you say but how you choose to say it that determines whether you are heard

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Maneech Of Attawapiskat


The evening of July 31st Maneech sustained injury on the First Nation Reserve of Attawapiskat & was tended to by medics in the community. Due to the injuries from a dog attack it was decided he needed to be vetted off reserve. Owners did not sign a surrender form and very adamantly stated they would not surrender Maneech on 4 separate occasions. They also stated they would pay for his vetting. 

Legitimate owner of Maneech as indicated by Microchip on the First Nation Reserve in Attawapiskat Ontario: Janie Wesley

Animal Rescue In Ontario who acquired Maneech without owner surrender from Floyd (volunteer affiliated with Moosonee Puppy Rescue) in Attawapiskat: Moosonee Puppy Rescue
Email correspondence between owner of Maneech Janie Wesley & Mossonee Puppy Rescue volunteer Nicole commencing the evening of August 1st & ending August 2nd. Please note that Nicole states multiple times to Janie that Maneech is 'your pup', and that Janie Wesley (owner) would need to cover the cost of transport back to Attawapiskat.

There also seems to be inconsistent information in regards to the veterinarian as to his opinion in regards to Maneech. It is stated the morning of August 2nd that the veterinarian is uncertain this dog would be able to withstand conditions on the reserve but in the August 2nd evening email Nicole informs Janie that the veterinarian will provide information on the care Maneech will need when he returns to Attawapiskat post surgery. These emails clearly indicate intent to return Maneech to his family.

Parry Sound Animal Hospital: Attending Veterinarian Dr. Ian White

Below is email correspondence on August 3rd-2015 between Sharron Purdy, Moosonee Puppy Rescue founder & Karen Metawabin Wesley...

Please Note the following:

Sharron Purdy seems to be under the impression that when a dog is in need of medical attention and that dogs family sees him off at the airport that they have indicated in some way that they are surrendering their dog to Moosonee Puupy Rescue. This is definitely not the case in regards to this dog. There was never a signed release form stating this family had intent to sign their dog over to this rescue never to be seen again. 

The veterinarian in this case involving Maneech and the Wesley Family of Attawapiskat has absolutely no authority to decide the future of this dog. I find it very disturbing that any veterinarian thinks they have has the authority to surrender an animal to an animal rescue without just cause. This dog was sent to Parry Sound Animal Hospital for care of an injury that the family clearly stated they would pay for before his transport. The ethics of this veterinarian must be questioned and addressed by the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association. 

In the last email of August 3rd at 1:24pm sent by Sharron Purdy to Karen Metawabin Wesley she states that Maneech was given to her rescue. That is certainly a false statement as Janie Wesley and her family had never surrendered ownership of their dog in any way. It is extremely upsetting that an animal rescue can conduct themselves in this manner where they believe an owner on a First Nation reserve in this country must be giving their dog away in order for him to receive medical treatment. This an agregious abuse by Moosonee Puppy Rescue of trust.

The following picture is of Janie Wesley and her family waiting for transport of their husky Maneech. Clearly loved by his family who was seeking medical care for their dog not an abduction...

The following screen shot is of a blog entry from Moosonee Puppy Rescue on August 4th-2015. In this blog a dog named 'Van' is described as having a hole in his head, loss of hearing, pain and infection. Van is stated as being recently acquired from Attawapiskat and given the injury it is believed the blogger is referencing Maneech. This is a blatant afront to Janie Wesley and her family where their dog has been renamed by Moosonee Puppy Rescue. The arrogance, unethical conduct and illegal act by Sharron Purdy against this family and their dog is blatant. 

The following photos of Maneech were provided by his family. This is a neutered, vaccinated, happy, healthy dog that sustained an injury. In Attawapiskat there is no veterinarian so their animals must be sent off reserve for treatment. It is appalling that any rescue assumes a family is surrendering their dog in order for them to receive medical treatment. Janie Wesley and her family placed trust in Moosonee Puppy Rescue to help them help their dog, not to abduct him. 

Under Canadian law a dog is considered property, theft of a dog as proven, documented property is a police matter not a civil matter. Maneech is to be considered stolen property until he is returned by Moosonee Puppy Rspescue to his rightful family in Attawapiskat. This is a chargeable offence under Canadian law. I would certainly hope that Sharron Purdy decides to ensure this dog is returned to his family immediately after treatment. Should she not do so she has committed a crime.

In conclusion, it is our responsibility as a country to ensure the protection of not only the animals but of their families also. It is extremely disturbing that an animal rescue can fracture the trust established between our First Nations communities and rescue persons in Canada. For all the good that is done, all of the solid working relationships in animal rescue, for someone to commit such an offence against a dog and their family as this, I find this an abuse of ethics. 

Maneech must be returned to his family, there is no documentation that states he was surrendered to Moosonee Puppy Rescue. I would strongly suggest to the people of Attawapiskat that they seek assistance from an ethical animal rescue in their region that looks into the best interests of their community. Should you wish to do as such, I will be more than willing to provide the names of ethical, morally sound animal rescues in Ontario that will work with you to protect and serve not only your animals but you as owners also. 

1 comment:

  1. This is disgusting. These people call themselves a "rescue" ?? They STOLE this dog !! Karen Metatawabin Wesley is the greatest dog advocate I have ever met and her selfless care of hundreds of northern dogs has been personally witnessed by me over the last 3 years. Shame on you Sharron Purdy !!!!
