Facts, Personal Opinion & Suggestion to encourage Conversation, Debate & Public Awareness. It's not what you say but how you choose to say it that determines whether you are heard.
not what you say but how you choose to say it that determines whether you are heard

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I am BEYOND furious with the SPCA for doing absolutely NOTHING in regards to the 9 month old pup in Truro named Duncan!

Complaints were called in & the pup was taken by Animal Control to the vet where he had to be euthanized due to NUMEROUS issues! 

If these people are NOT guilty why did they leave town & what of the other dog that's in their unsatisfactory care?

Seriously annoyed that the $100,000.00 you received is doing absolutely NOTHING to aid in the efforts to protect animals! It would seem to me that the Abusers are being protected here by everyone's LACK of action! 

If this issue is NOT detailed in its entirety right down to what this person eats for breakfast I will ensure that the full reach I have will do little to further your gain in this Province! 

I am stunned at everyone from the Veterinary Clinic, The Truro Police Department, The SPCA & This Province for the adding insult to injury on Animal Welfare!

I'm absolutely Disgusted & I will be posting this message to you EVERYWHERE so as to ensure you contact those involved with the Duncan case!

With Little Respect
LA Bowden


1 comment:

  1. The family is Angela and Michael curran. They ran to Ontario. You can find both of them on Facebook they have 3 kids and the children could be in danger too.
